it was a while back, but i promised to post a pic of tony's 'star of the week' poster. well, here it is. he is still so proud of it. it now hangs in the boys room.
thank you for all the thoughts and prayers that went out to our family this past week. our thanksgiving was good ... different, of course, but good different. a year to start new traditions. this time last year our house was already decorated for christmas. a tradition that we started with our kids, was recording the macy's thanksgiving day parade and watching on friday as we decorated our artificial tree and unpacked all of the christmas decorations. everyone was excited to help the first 1/2 hr, then shortly after that it just became a big mess for me to finish. anyway, i digress ... back to thanksgiving ... (how did i get on christmas?) ... oh, traditions. we had thanksgiving dinner at carlos' parent's house. anna did most of the cooking and transported it over. crazy, seeing as she has a 4 month old. but she did a tremendous job. i made some of my families favorites, that were a staple when we were in NY. after over stuffing ourselves on thursday and playing board game after board game, friday was pretty laid back. anna and i thought we'd go shopping first thing in the morning but i didn't make it out of bed until after 9a. (i did manage to get to toys r us, later.) then that night, los and i took the kids to the movies with anna, damien and kiara. that was fun. the kids really enjoy hanging with kiara. i wish i had pic's. for some reason, i neglected to take pic's of our first thanksgiving here. i did get one of carlos and his mom, that i'll post another time. ... oh, i forgot, carlos and damien went to play flag football thursday morning. they were both pretty sore the next couple of days.
and here i sit ... having the first major holiday behind me. i am looking forward to my mom coming out for christmas. that'll make christmas a little easier. even though thanksgiving was great out here, i still REALLY missed my family in NY. not to mention, my family at LCC. I LOVE YOU ALL!! and i look forward to seeing you in march (when i am home for a couple days) and then again in JULY!!!
hugs to you all!