Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hi everyone!

I'm sitting at the lab waiting to get some blood work done. nothing serious, just checking on my diabetes. I've been working really hard these past 3 months to get my numbers down.

I hope to put a slide show together to post so that you can get a little glimpse into our lives. last time I tried, I had many problems with technology. we'll see how it goes today.

time to get pricked ;)

Sunday, June 14, 2009


... has it really been almost 3months since I was last on here?!! I'm sure everyone who followed us has dwindled to nothing:(

I can't even begin to explain all that has happened in our lives these past few months. let's just say - insanity - with a lot of God's grace, love and strength to sustain us. the kids ended their school year last Thursday! Lex got an email from a boy on Friday... not ready for that! they all did EXTREMELY well on their report cards!! Tony got a perfect one! they are totally looking forward to their summer vacation ... and I'm counting the days until they go back!!! (I'm so totally kidding) Lex is amazing us with her musical abilities. she learned and (pretty much) perfected a song she wanted to learn on guitar in ONE day. Jackson is Mr. extreme! he scares me when he rides his scooter and skateboard! but he's really good at it. he is also a natural athlete, as is lex. we all play basketball in the backyard. I had them doing drills a couple weeks ago. Tony has grown so much. his baby look is disappearing. lately, he is really into his DS but spends countless hours playing with Lego's.
me? I'm busy, as always. my cleaning business has taken off. almost to the point of having to hire someone.
los? ... I'll have him tell you what's been going on. it's ALL good!!

I just wanted to get you a little caught up ... those of you that are still around. I hope to be on here more often now that the pressures of school are over.

love and hugs to you all!!