Saturday, May 17, 2008

bball @ LLCF

many of you know that my babies have been playing basketball at our church. this is the first year that LLCF has put on a free basketball league - and of course Team Cueva was ALL over that.

it certainly has been a roller coaster ride. the first week of practice (the day the first 3 pics were taken) jackson wanted NOTHING to do with playing, which is why there isn't a pic of him in our front yard. that soon changed when he went to practice with lex and tony. so, the second week, he was on a team. since then, tony has given up. well, not entirely, he wants to go to practice but will not play in games. he is still a little confused about how the whole 'game' works. he goes to cheer on his team but refuses to play. every week he comes up with some excuse. lately, it's been, "mom, i really need to rest more. i think i'll sleep in on saturday." this week, he does have a legit excuse, though ... this past week he fell off of the jungle gym at school and has a concussion. he is fine, but physical activity is limited, at least through this weekend.

jackson is on the verge of quitting. he gets a bit frustrated on the court. thankfully, this league is only a month.

lex ... let's just say she takes after her mom. she is a natural on the court. she really enjoys playing and is good at it, too.

well, we are off to play ...

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