Saturday, August 30, 2008


last night was so fun! our first beach bonfire, and it won't be the last. i know the pictures aren't that great but i hope you can get the idea.

today is a relaxing day. right now, i need to go beat carlos in basketball ... but other than that, hopefully the day will be full of a lot of lounging around.

time to school los,

Friday, August 29, 2008


sometimes i think i live at Disney, (i know, that's not a bad thing) ... the kids and i have gone the past two days.
one of the best things we did, was get season passes, (thank you Ophelia's place!) Disneyland is only 20 minutes away from us. some days we spend the whole day, some days we just go for a couple hours. i hope you enjoy the pictures.

today, we are off to a play date with some friends and then lexi and i are going to a bonfire at the beach!!

all my love to each of you!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

YES!!! we are still here ...

alright, well, here are some updates of what we have been up to the last couple weeks (only). we've taken 4 trips to the beach, that i have no pix of because i refuse to take my new phone into the sand. at disney, i just forgot to take pix. this is just some of the things we have been up to. hopefully, i will have more time to write soon (the kids and i are about to watch a movie, YAY!! MOVIE NIGHT!!!) until then, enjoy these pix and know that we love you all!!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

quick updates

team cueva is going strong.

nic and los are working like crazy. ever since being back from NY, i've gotten two new clients. INSANE! i now have to start turning clients away. good? sure ... but the insanity of getting all my stuff at home done is going to take some getting used to.

the kids have stepped it up a notch. they are helping out A LOT around the house with chores. lex has taken over the laundry (all except folding it) ... good stuff!!

carlos is working very hard. he amazes me everyday! i don't know how he handles all that he does. he, again, took on more stuff around the house because of my insane schedule. my family ROCKS!

we've spent a lot of time at the beach these past couple of weeks. and the kids spend a lot of time playing basketball and the wii. carlos takes them on bikes rides often when i'm napping or doing something else productive.

thanks for reading.