Wednesday, February 4, 2009

thank you!

this morning's meeting with Deb went really well. thank you to all that prayed for this meeting and Jackson. i don't think i can bottom line it but let me try ...

POSITIVE RE-ENFORCEMENT ... for every 1 negative action there needs to be 8 positive re-enforcements.
CONSEQUENCES ... both positive and negative
CONSISTENCY ... parenting is the hardest thing you'll ever do

these are just a few highlights. we will be working on making some behavior charts that will target the behavior with which they need help with along with ones that would be easy for them to gain 'a gold star' ... 'star' to be traded in for 'rewards'. there was so much more ... but you get the idea. please pray for perseverance on mine and carlos behave and that we (and them) have the strength and wisdom to endure. i know this isn't going to be an overnight change ... but we look forward to the best results. Deb was very encouraging. and we look forward to many changes around here.


1 comment:

karenk said...

Hi Nic,
God must've wanted me to catch your need. You have my prayer. I understand it, have insight and compassion. First and foremost NEVER question yourself as a mom. You are a wonderful parent (even with the ups and downs) and the mother that God chose for His Jackson. God never makes mistakes and He knows what it is He is developing in Jackson and in you and Los. The key... dependancy on Him who will equip you with patience, wisdom, grace, and prayer warriors, counselors, scripture, immeasureable love, etc.
I would be happy and honored to spend some time with you in prayer when we get to LA next week. Again... you are God's perfect choice for a mom for your children. Never stop trusting His wisdom. And your children will someday assure you of just how wonderful (even in the ups and downs) that you are. I know b/c mine have. LOL Karen; mom of Carrie, Matt and Mama of Davey