Monday, July 23, 2007

are we done yet?

i feel like i owe you some stories ... stories of our trip out here, stories of all the moving we've done, stories of how God has provided through all this, stories of how each of us are doing, etc etc etc ... but, wow, am i tired. (plus our camera isn't connected yet, so i can't download pics to remind me of all that has gone on)

but here i sit wanting all of you to know that we are starting to get settled. not quite sure how long it'll take us, but with every passing day we get a little closer. i have to keep reminding myself that it all didn't get packed in one day (can i get an Amen! LOL!) i'd like to pass our new address onto whomever wants it - so if you do, shoot me an email and i'll get it to you.

the kids are doing great, considering that most of their stuff is still packed. they, of course, have their moments, but for the most part are getting along very well. they have been playing 'face painting' a lot lately. actually, i should call it 'body painting'. lexi is mainly the artist and jackson and tony (and sometimes mommy and daddy) are the canvas'. fun times!

we are still without a dinning room table, so our meals are all picnic style. fun for the cleaning lady (me).

i do have two rooms finished (the kitchen and living room.) i really NEEDED to have at least one room done, so i could go in there and pretend the rest of the house is completed, too. it works for only a second.

hugs to all that want them!


Unknown said...

four years in our house and adam and i still have some unpacked boxes (which means we probably don't need that stuff anymore). and we only eat dinner at our dining room table when we have guests. otherwise, it's the couch. :)

((hugs from me))
(((((hugs from adam))))) <--tighter squeeze

Jessica said...

WOW!!! I just caught up on the rollercoaster of emotions from the past month....did you PMS during this month? Poor Carlos! It had to have been a tough one. :)

Congrats and praise God for the wonderful blessings you and your family are experiencing. When you listen to God he keeps talking to you. You are living proof of that.

I love reading your blog! It is great...maybe you should think about a career in writing. That reality TV stuff is hot, maybe reality books are in your future???

Take care,

Pat H said...

Hi ,
Don't feel too bad about the unpacking, I too have things that have been packed but mine have been in the back closet for the past 30 years...can't even remember what is in there! If I wait a bit longer then they will be antiques what ever they are!
I am so glad that things are working out now for you, there is no way you could have done this without the Lord leading the way and guiding you!
I am still missing you guys terribly, you were such a large part of LCC but I am happy for your new beginings too! Love and hugs
{{{{{{Pat H}}}}}}}}}