Tuesday, July 17, 2007

NEVER doubt God's love for YOU!

what a whirlwind! ... again, not a lot of time ... i know once we get settled i will have mucho (see, i'm learning spanish already) time to write -LOL! i'm not even sure how to shorten a very incredible story that God has written for us (and is still writing), but i'll try.

we found a place to live! we had no business signing a lease w/o selling our house, but we really felt this was the place God had for us. God was saying, do you really trust Me with everything? so we signed a lease for a 3bed 2bath house, not knowing when our house would sell. and wouldn't you know it, the day after we stepped in the water (signed the lease) the river parted (we sold the house). God is truly amazing!! and He didn't just supply only what we needed but what we wanted, above what we could dream or imagine. Thank You Jesus!

so here's where we are right now ... our realtor is sending out the contract but we've already initaled a copy of it and faxed that to the buyers realtor. we actually unpacked our stuff INTO THE NEW PLACE (another answer to prayer. there is no way that we could have unpacked, repacked, and unpacked again. and if you were there the day we packed, you know what i'm talking about). and now i get to play house. today i will start the process of unpacking over a million boxes (at least that's what it looks like).

i guess that was longer than i thought ... but more to come, stay tuned!


Nancy K said...

PRAISE GOD from whom all blessings flow!
Praise him all creatures here below.
Praise him above, ye heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


What a wonderful testimony to the Lord and his perfect timing and his wonderful love.

Is there room for an RV to park in your new driveway (is there a driveway?) for a few days in December????

Love to you all.

Nancy F.

mercy said...

Greetings from New Castle, PA. What an awesome testimony of the greatness of God! We are glad to hear that you all made it out there. We are continuing to pray for you as you follow God on the path He has marked for you.
Love and blessings,
The Coleman Family