Saturday, July 7, 2007

We're Here

for those of you that haven't heard, we have made it to CA safe and sound. what a trip! i would love to sit and journal of all of our stops and the fabulous friends that we stopped to visit but time right now is limited. hopefully soon i will be able to download some pics from our trip cross country and share with you the incredible hospitallity that was shown to us. i will also, time permitting, share with you the emotionalility (is that a word) that went along with the final drive away and the overwhelming love that was shown to us our final months, weeks, days and hours.

to give you a quick update ... carlos and i are enjoying some days of much needed relaxation. the kids are swimming tons and have the tans to prove it. they all have amazing skin. i, on the other hand, am suffering from lobster syndrom. but i went right back out there today like a champ, a decision i am sure i will be paying for later. all three of the kids are diving. i can't believe how well tony is doing. we all know what a daredevil jax is but tony i expected to take awhile to get comfortable in the water. not so. lexi is actually diving because tony was and she couldn't let her baby brother do something she couldn't.

i hope to being getting some pics on here soon. thank you to all that have been praying for us, i can definitely feel them and don't stop ... God is still moving and still has a lot to unveil to us.

much love to you all!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow Tony, you're diving!!! I still remember when you wouldn't slide down the frog in PA unless someone was at the bottom to catch you!