Friday, September 7, 2007

1st day of school

what a day that was ...

we really didn't know what we were doing. all we knew is that school started at 9a for lex and jax and 11:55a for tony. we knew the kids teachers but didn't know the procedure for the start of the day. i think, now being the 3rd day, we've got it down. we walk to school, so for me it means 3 trips back and forth. LOVE THAT! on thursdays, 4 trips. every thursday, for some reason, lex and jax get out at 2p but tony still gets out at 3:15p.



Nancy K said...

Awwwwww!!!! They look so cute! I miss them so much ... How far away is the school? Your neighborhood looks so suburban. Are you loving it?

Team Cueva said...

i love our neighborhood!! it is very quiet and nice. the school is about 4 blocks away. i get quite the workout everyday. i actually go for a run after i take jax and lex (if carlos is home with tony).

Awizabef said...

You guys look so good in your school uniforms!!!! I hope you're really enjoying school... I sent you a package for the first day of school and for Jackson's Birthday, did you get it yet? I think I might have sent it to the wrong address.