Tuesday, February 26, 2008

15 more days!

but who's counting? ... me obviously ...

let the lists begin! so much needs to be done before i leave and so much needs to happen while i am away. BUT all the preparations and all the arrangements that need be get done for the kids while i am gone is most definitely worth it. i can't believe that i will be in liverpool in just 2 short weeks. i can't even begin to imagine all the emotions i will go through. what will it be like to be 'just visiting' and not having a place of my own? what will it be like to be there without carlos and my kids? how in the world is 5 days enough to visit all the people i want to see? is there enough mealtimes to visit all of my favorite restaurants? WOW, i can't wait to see everyone. i can't wait to see faces that i've missed for 8 months. i can't wait to see my family (biological and chruch) and hug them until it hurts. ALL this is so much more important than my FEAR of flying. i still can't believe that i have to fly by myself - YIKES! this coming from the girl that get's sick just driving by an airport. oh well, i guess i'll be growing up pretty quickly in that area. a wise women once told me (mama J.!), "if you're meant to get shot, you won't get hung." (or i think that's how it went) but the meaning is still very evident. don't live in fear of death, because when it's going to happen, it'll happen and i have no say in it.

love to you all!

1 comment:

Chris S. said...

I track about 80 blogs through my Bloglines account and I am certain you just won the most morbid post of the day award :-) Sarah and I can't wait to see you!