Saturday, April 19, 2008


as i sit here and write, dear friends of ours gather (in NY) to remember and say goodbye to an extremely incredible lady. it is so hard for us to be so far away and not able to be of some support to the family and friends that Marie Cook leaves behind - a loving husband, 2 daughters, many grandchildren, uncountable friends, and her mom. the pain of the loss of such a wonderful person is quite unbearable. many prayers and thoughts go out to all deeply affected by Marie's death.

i have to share one of my favorite memories of Marie. there are so many, but this one has always stuck out in my mind and i've shared it with her many times ...

playing bunko with Marie was always so much fun. but for her it always took her a little longer to see what she rolled, for the simple reason of - she was partially blind. well, i remember so vividly one time her and i were partners. she had rolled a bunko but the only one that didn't know it yet was her. as she looked at each die, individually, her excitement grew until she finally yelled "BUNKO!"

Marie is so incredible missed. someone like her is never forgotten but remembered ever so fondly for her faith in God, her loving spirit, her unselfish giving of her time and efforts, and her over all sacrificial character.

much love and support to her family and dear friends,

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