Friday, June 20, 2008

thank you! ...

... i've felt your prayers. your comments on the blog, emails, and texts have meant a great deal to me. even though my situation hasn't changed much, i feel as though i am handling it better. there just seems to be way too much on my plate right now and sometimes it takes a little while to get used to it all. and really, i don't do well under pressure. you think that would have taught me not to procrastinate so much - NOT!
carlos has been amazing, not only through my melt down, but really ever since i've started my own business. not that he didn't do much around here before but he really has made more of an effort to help out. he does most of the grocery shopping, makes breakfast 99% of the time and cleans up the kitchen when he's done, makes me take naps and sometimes brings me breakfast in bed. he also will make dinner when he knows i'm not able to - whether it be mentally or physically. (and that's just a few of the things.) one day i had had a really killer house to clean and when i got home he had already drawn me a bath and had lunch sitting beside the tub for me. thanks baby! God has really blessed my life through you!!

alright, time to go eat breakfast - and i didn't have to make it ;)

1 comment:

Awizabef said...

i totally know what you mean about the whole procrastination thing, nicole... i'm so there

love you! see you very very soon! i can't wait!!!!